Ask Tony what his plans are now

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to ask Tony what he is doing with the rest of his day.

‘What do you have planned for the rest of you day now?’ You ask in a timed voice

Tony looks at you his dark eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

‘I was planing on staying at the beach for a while, maybe go out on my old rust heap of a rowing boat and chill out sunbathing by the remote beach caves’ he replies

‘Beach caves that sounds nice’ you say think how beautiful they must be. Almost as beautiful as the sexy bar man himself.

‘Yeah the caves at the beach are something else very remote and chilled place to spend an afternoon , you never been?’ He asks

You reply with a no shaking your head as you look at Tony.

The big muscular man smiles ‘ you should join me and come see for yourself ‘ he says patting you o;the shoulder.

The beach caves sound amazing and Tony is smoking hot should you join him or check out the main beach some more

Do you

go with Tony on his boat

stay at the beach bar

decline Tony’s offer and go sunbathe the main beach

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