Mc-John:ask what you need to do

From Create Your Own Story

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You give up besides this might go well without having to stoop to using your abilities. "Ok fine what do you want me to do"

Jessica smiles devilishly "ok first things first stop covering up" she motions to you cupping your junk. You slowly moves your hands away. Jessica makes a giddy eep "good boy" she snaps more pics your cock is throbbing "ok come on work with me Johnny pose have some fun" you loosen up posing for your sister, taking her direction posing in some very steamy poses touching yourself as she asks. "Mmm ok lets kick things up a bit" you nod agreeing. At this point you are taken over by a feeling of lust this is really turning you on. "Ok now I hide a special something in here reach up under the sink be a good boy and fetch it" she says.

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