Order a cocktail

From Create Your Own Story

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You seen some guys as you entered the bar drink red cocktails in fancy glasses with colourful straws and the lesbian couple at the end of the bar have just order some and they look delicious.

‘I will have one of those cocktails please’ you say as you nod you head towards the two girls now sipping their drinks at the end of the bar.

‘Okay one strawberry sex bomb coming up! It will just be a couple of minutes for the cocktail master over there to mix it up for you’ she says looking towards the male bar tender that just served the girls the cocktails.

As you wait a young blond slim guy squeezes in between you and the man at the next bar stool to get to the bar and order a drink.

‘Sorry excuse me’ he says as he brushes up against you to position himself at the bar and leans on it.

The other man looks up from his phone and seeing the blond guy now beside him his face lights up.

‘Well hello sexy what’s your name ? And can I get you a drink ?’ You over hear the man ask

‘I’m Casey and no thanks babes it ok’ he says politely as he orders his own drink

‘I’m William nice to meet you. Come on I just want to buy a good looking guy a drink and maybe get to know him’ the man replies

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‘Sorry but your just not my type daddy’ the cute blonde says with a shrug then looks at you and smiles ‘but you defo are !’ He says as he winks at you then grabs his drink and walks off towards the dance floor with his drink shaking his ass to the music.

You watch him as he walks away admiring his ass. Then you feel the other mans eyes on you you.

As he says ‘damn that little twink does have good taste’ as he looks you over and smiles

You smile back unsure of how to react. Then you see that the barman is almost finished preparing you fancy cocktail Do you

wait for your drink and hit the dance floor following Casey

talk to William while you wait

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