Grab a drink at the bar..

From Create Your Own Story

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You approach the bard and wait on the bar tender to notice you. Standing at the bar you look around and observe the the room.

‘Hey what can I get you?’ The bar man asks Snapping you out of a daydream as you looked around the room.

‘A beer please’ you reply. The big grey bearded man behind the bar smiles and gets your drink.

You pay him and sip your beer. As one again you scan the room.

On a bar stool at the end of the bar you see and older man with a short beard and flannel shirt smile at you and nod his head as he drinks his beer. Then you see two other men walk downstairs to the basement, both are big hunky bears and one grabs hold of the other mans ass ass they begin to descend down the stairs.

Do you

Stay at the bar and drink your beer for now


Go check out the basement bar

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