Early morning skate.

From Create Your Own Story

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You put on your windbreaker and grab your board, It's warmer than yesterday morning, but not warm enough to ditch it, you're thankful the weather improved, getting warmer as the day went on. You see the weather report on your phone H)63 L)44 9%PC. And your out the door, you wave to Ms. Gruer and her toy breed mut. You glide the downhill trek, power slide around the Saturday Starbucks line with no issues this time.

You power-slide into the cross-walk, lifting the front wheels off the ground and manualing a few feet putting your school behind you. You gain speed towards the empty skate-park. Using the speed to swoosh through the small pool and shoot up and out. The weekend is a totally different animal in the morning. Only the weirdo early birds are out. Most older woman who give you dirty looks for not wearing dresses and trying to find boys to talk for them, like they did in the middle-ages. You realize you haven't had a bite yet, and whip your hips and take a sharp cut out of the park towards the backway home.

As you turn the second blind corner you slam headlong into an older man at good speed. Both of you get taken off your feet but you get the worst of it pinwheeling and landing on-top of his hood, tumbling over it and beefing into the street. It takes a moment to collect yourself, and in that moment the man is on his feet and is lifting you into his arms. "Gotta get you out of the road, don't want a pretty girl like you getting turned into raspberry jam on my watch." His skin is leathery and his muscles bulge against you. He smells strongly of Old Spice. Before you know it, your back on your feet. You blink as you lean back onto the car you just tumbled over, you're lucky it's an older Cadillac with the huge hoods, or you could have gone through the windshield.

As the world comes back into focus, you see a 50-something gray-haired, rather tall, handsome man holding your board. He smiles at you "Back on earth yet?" and you nod. "Well you did a number on my hood, but everything else seems to be alright." You look back to see imprint of your butt in the hood where you struck, and your heart sinks. "My parents are going to kill me." He laughs, "It's not that bad. A pop out and a buff out and she'll be fine. $150 max." His tone changes. "Are they good for it?" and you shake your head. "Well, that would be a problem. Fucking economy, killing families." You sigh thinking about what they'll say. Your boarding days are over. "Are you ok, sir? Nobody ever parks here, so I always whip through here." He smiles warmly "You took the brunt of it. Bounced off of me like super-ball on linoleum." He lets out a deep laugh. "Hey, if the money's going to be a big deal, maybe you can just come by and do some chores to work it off for a few days. I don't want you to get into trouble over a common accident. And it's been a while since my wife... passed, it could use an extra pair of hands."

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Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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