Serenity: take off panties

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Feeling hot and sexy

Serenity was already moistening between her legs as her dares were becoming more thrilling and naughty. It was indeed off putting knowing that whoever was on the other side of the camera was going to see Serenity's pussy, however she had already came to a point where going that little bit further wasn't that bad. In fact, it was getting more exciting to parade her sexy body off to whoever is ordering Serenity around.

Licking her lips in anticipation, Serenity used her thumbs to hook onto the side of her panties and begins to slowly slide them down. Being a tease, she stops before her pussy was exposed and slides her straps back up around her waist and continues to tightly pull up so that the outline of her vagina was bulging through the fabric. Serenity then slowly pulls them back down and with a steady pull, she finally shows off her womanhood. She drops her panties on the floor and then steps out of them as she kicks them to the side. Serenity then runs her hand along her freshly shaven crotch and slightly widens her stance to give anyone who's watching a better view of her gorgeous pussy.

That looks absolutely wonderful!

Serenity uses her hand to hide her blush as she leans towards her keyboard and types with her other hand.

Why thank you, you;re too kind...

Serenity knew that it was a hot night, but she could feel her temperature reach an all time high as she waits for her next order.

Only one thing left to do, take off your bra!

Serenity: take off bra

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