The Golden Sword/Story Hub

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These are all stories written by those in the Golden Sword.



Stories for Children

Stories that are written for kids. Keep it G-PG, maybe PG-13 if it's not too advanced. Just imagine things like Thomas the Train, or something you would find on Nickelodeon.

Advanced Stories

These will mostly appeal to more advanced readers. Minor curse words (like crap or damn) are aloud. Imagine things like Ender's Game.

Mature Stories

These will appeal to those who are almost adults, or adults, and can involve strong language, suggestive themes, and intense violence. No sex.

Warning: The following stories contain sexual content and other adult themes. Do not continue if
you are under the age of 18 or if you are offended by such material.

Adult Stories

In accordance to site rules, any underage sex will be deleted. Also, certain users like Platypus will be notified.

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