CYS: go make sure Jessie is ok

From Create Your Own Story

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You tear your gaze away from the burning van and sprint to jessie's house. A one story house, it has four bedrooms minus the main living room. You make your way through her front gate up to her door, which is battered down. It is ominously quiet and your heart drops and you make for the door, but as you reach the door battered down and hear her scream inside. Your heart drops and you make for the door, but a little voice in the back of your mind warns you to be cautious I don't know whose in there or how many. Hell, this could be a trap. I need to think about this. You ignore the thought of abandoning your friend screw that, I'm going in You make your way to the door. A quick glance behind you shows that no one seems to be paying any attention to you. You step forward quietly, before peeking around the door frame inside.

The main room is a mess. What once was a glass table with two comfy sofas facing a large T.V is now a wreck, the sofas toppled, the table shattered, and the t.v pulled off the wall. The room is illuminated only by the light from outside, giving it a haunting vibe. But you are to distracted by Jessie and her attackers. She is on the ground, sobbing while trying to cover up her mostly naked body. she is curled up in the corner of the room, While two men stand over her. One of them is buttoning up his pants and redoing his belt, while the other kicks Jessie and tells here to shut up. Her short black hair is messed up and sticking out, her pale freckled face contorted in fear and pain as she stares up at them. None of them have noticed you, so you have time to plan an attack... so what the hell do you do?

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