WSF/Start the story

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:51, 2 February 2018 by Freespeech (Talk | contribs)
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You and your wife have been married for 2 wonderful years. Your wife has gone out of her way to make you happy in bed. She is submissive, but not into bondage or whipping. In essence, her submissiveness means she is willing to try just about anything you wish when it comes to sex with her. Though she hasn't let you fuck her ass yet, you know it is just a matter of time before you can convince her to give her asshole to your dick.

When you were first dating you knew there was something she was not telling you. As the relationship grew she continued to conceal something. You figured she would tell you eventually, but after 2 years of marriage she does not seem any closer to telling you than when you first started dating.

You have tried to get her to tell you what she is hiding, but she has denied any secrets. You know it should not bother you since it is her secret to keep or share, but it does. You have told her on many occasions that she can tell you anything, and you meant it each time. It would not matter to you what the secret is, but she will not believe you. If she did believe you, then she would have told you a long time ago.

Your wife is currently out visiting with her friends and you are stuck at home working on a report. You need a document that is somewhere on the computer in order to finish. You may be able to work mostly from home, but you have reports that need to be finished and sent on to your boss. The document seems to have disappeared, which leaves you frustrated to no end. After several looks through your files, you decide to check your wife's personal folders. You have never opened them before, since you have no interest in spying on your wife, but find you have no choice.

You open a folder that seem innocuous and find it opens to nothing other than another folder. You open that one and find the same thing. You know your wife well enough to know she would never have empty folders that lead to nowhere. She is far to organized to have meaningless folders, so you keep digging until you find a folder with 2 folders inside. One folder is named Videos and the other is named Stories. You know you have to find that document, but are curious about why your wife would hide anything this deep.

You know that something like this is hidden for a reason and believe it has to have something to do with your wife's secret. There is little doubt the document is in there, but your curiosity is peaked. Before opening either folder, you realize the document is in your email. You sent it to yourself to keep it safe. You quickly retrieve it and finish the report. You send it to your boss quickly and go back to the folders. You know you are going to open them both, but are caught between wanting to see them both.

Which folder do you open:

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