Say "Nevermind" and hang up the phone.
From Create Your Own Story
"Umm...Nevermind, sir." You change your mind. "Bye bye."
"Ok...good day." He hangs up the phone.
You retreated back to your couch and sulked, angry that you didn't get a shot all because of your gender. Major scam! But then again, you could have been more persistent and who knows...
Anyways, you'll get another shot. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next month...maybe never?! Ugh! Screw this! You decide you might have a better chance if you looked at some of the online job offers that get spammed into your email. You hop on your desktop computer and started browsing.
Let's see... there's the Burger House down the street, which is still hiring. You might as well pick up a part-time job working there. At least you'll have income. And the best part is, you don't even have to be a dude to work there. Oh who are you kidding. This sucks. You didn't study your butt off for four years in college to end up flipping burgers for $7.50 an hour.
There's also an email titled "Now auditioning". Sounds like a acting gig. You click on it. The details read: "Now looking for aspiring stage performer! Female. Age 20-30. Respond to email now to reach Shady Avenue Company manager!" Theater is not really your forte, but it couldn't hurt to check it out. Beside, at last you fit their gender and age requirement.
Here's one that catches your eye: "Cosplay Competition! This Weekend! Register online now for a chance to win $2000". That sounds like a pretty sweet haul. You've been to several anime and video game conventions in full-on cosplay during high school. This is something you might have a pretty good chance at.
What do you do?