She's doing well have her finish you

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:57, 30 October 2017 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)
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You let out another moan " ok you're doing great, this is helping me feel so much better. Why don't you try adjusting your grip a bit and start to go a little faster" you manage to get out as things are starting to heat up.

"Like this?" She asks as she moves her hand in a position that would look like she was stabbing someone, and she starts to build up faster and faster.

She's pretty good for someone who doesn't know what she's actually doing. She builds more and more speed the sound of the lube sloshing around in between her hand and your cock getting loader.

You're going to cum and it feels like it will be a huge load.

Where do you out it:

squirt it all over her (oh yeah she's about to get a one mane bukkake)

tell her to open her mouth (she's about to get a protein shake)

maybe she's not ready for THIS (play it safe you have plenty of time run into the bathroom and finish up in private)

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