Drop to your knees and service her.

From Create Your Own Story

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You fall to your knees, and Sam seems pleasantly surprised as your mouth finds her slit. You part your lips and cover her quim with your mouth, suckling at her like a ripe peach. She moans softly, running her gloved hands through your hair. You snake your tongue between her lips, then slide it slowly into her wet hole. Her hips shiver as you begin to tongue fuck her.

Running a hand through your hair, she rotates her hips slowly to guide your willing mouth, moaning softly as you work her wet pussy with your tongue and lips. She balls her hand into a fist, grasping at your hair and pulling you into her box.

"I'm going to cum," Sam gasps quietly. "Don't stop." You suckle faster, harder, as both of her hands tug at your hair and her back arches tightly, shoving her small breasts up into the empty air. Her eyes close, her mouth forms a tight circle, and she very quietly orgasms. Wetness pulls at the corner of your mouths as you dive into her muff, feeling her body shiver and convulse in your grip. Finally, when the orgasm subsides, she pulls her form from yours.

"Now let me finish you," she whispers.

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