Orcish Female Gatekeeper (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Yinlak. You're a tall creature, seven feet at least, and you've got a fairly built body with a large bust and sizeable muscles. Despite your tusks, you're quite pretty, too. As with most orcs, your hair is a dark grey. Yours is braided into many thick ropes, which come down to your shoulders.

After growing up in a very controlling clan, you chose to leave your orcish family at an early age to chart out your own destiny. You've found work as a city guard since then, and have built up enough trust in your city to become one of the two guards trusted to serve at the west gate. Along with you partner, you watch the roads, and keep the gates closed to unsavoury types. The two of you have staved off your fair share of troubles, and you've grown to be quite friendly with her. Rumours at the barracks say she has a thing for orcs, but you're not certain if that extends to female ones such as yourself. You haven't asked, lest you begin to bear similar rumours about liking her.

It's two o'clock, and you and your partner have just started your shift. You're set to guard the gate for the next six hours, with only one of you allowed to go on break at a time, and only then for fifteen minutes each. Without trouble knocking, it can be quite the tedious job. Your partner keeps you company, though.

As your mind wanders in the silence of your shift, you see a lone horse approaching the gate. Atop the horse is man in charred armour. As he approaches, you begin to make out his features. He's quite a tall man, but also quite thin. He's got long, brown hair and browner eyes. Your partner turns to you as you watch.

"You wanna let him through?" she asks.

You shrug. "May as well."

You step forwards, and stop the horse with a gesture of your hand. The rider dismounts, and limps over to you. He seems a bit dishevelled and distressed.

"You guards?" he asks.

You nod. "What's your business in the city?"

"There's a dragon!" the man says, his face stern and serious. "We were attacked. I barely made it out alive. We need help. People are hurt."

What do you do?

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