Human Male Bandit (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Randle Jameson. Being a human, you're fairly average looking. You've got dark, spiked hair and matching dark eyes. You've been part of the Crossed Sabres since you were sixteen, and have risen to quite a trusted position since then. You've done a whole host of horrible things to make it that long without dying, and you've grown a taste for the depraved. There's almost nothing you wouldn't do for some coin, beer or sex.

The boys have you on watch outside the hideout for the night. You're pretty bored, and the night watch almost never has any trouble, so you're itching for a reason to leave your post. You think angry thoughts about your friend Paul. It was his turn to go on watch, not yours, but the fucker skipped town. He left his sister alone with the rest of the boys. No one's dared touch her. Not yet, at least. Not while they think Paul might be coming back. Her name's Sophia. She recently turned of age, not that your average bandit would care. Your thoughts migrate to her. It would piss Paul right off if you fucked her. Maybe you ought to pay her a visit. Then again, the figure in the distance might be him. He'd slit your throat if he caught you in the act.

Do you…

Investigate the figure in the distance?

Go pay Sophia a visit?

Continue to stand on watch?

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