Fuck it, going out the window

From Create Your Own Story

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You never loved this dump anyways, and you aren't going to risk your life for it. You open the window and kick the screen out, and are half way out when you hear a knock on the door.

What criminal knocks on the door? You wait, halfway out, staring at the door. You decide it's a trap, or a psychopath, both good reasons for bailing. You continue to crawl out, looking down the side of your house. Why the fuck did I buy a two story? You figure you can make the jump when someone talks from behind the door. " Hey, I know you are in there. It's me, Fred" You recognize the voice as one of Your best friends, Freddy, though why the Hell is he breaking into your house is beyond you. You crawl back inside the room, and walk to the door. "Fred, what the hell are you doing in my house?" There is silence for a couple of seconds, and you start to edge back to the window "have you looked outside? In case you haven't notice, shit is happening so I thought I could come get you. Your my best friend, I couldn't leave you... and more importantly, you have a gun that you know how to use. In my mind, that's a good reason" So, your 'good' friend is here for Your gun. Do you trust him?

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