Aunt Haley's route Open the bathroom door

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("Maybe just a tiny peek won't hurt a fly!") As I said to myself! When I took a peek through ajar door, my cheeks grow red when I realized the gorgeous woman was my Aunt!

("Shit! What in world are you thinking, she's my Aunt for god's sake!") Just then I've got so harden that she's soo beautiful! She maybe nearing her 40's soon, but she got some big breast, blondish set of hair, & her ass is so big & palm's! I also realized I decided not to take a shower tonight so I carefully headed to my room, got my P.J.'s on, locked the door, & Masturbating carefully & quietly thinking about my Aunt!

"Aw man she's so pure, gorgeous, & beauty!" I breathing on my bed thinking of her of my naughty fantasy! "I also wanna feel her insides, I also wanna pound her pussy, & I also wanna make love with my beautiful Aunt Haley." I masturbate soo hard that I felt something coming that I let it out on my hands!

Since my hard rod Is cooling down while I was cleaning up on my hands, I realize it's wrong to have relationship with my Aunt, & plus she's got her husband which also cheating on her husband too!

As I waited till everybody went to bed I took a quick shower, went to bed, & went fast asleep.


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