PN/Drop off your brother

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll drop off Drew. I won't be as exposed as I would be for the other ones since I'll be driving, and not standing around outside." You suggest. This option is easily the most fun one, and you'll definitely be exposed. And you've been aching to drive since you got your license, being one of the first 15 year olds with a license since they lowered the driving age by one year in your state.

Your father looks at your mother with a concerning look, but relents. "Fine, but try not to be seen. I don't want to hear about my naked daughter from a neighbor, or anyone for that matter."

Excited at the prospect of driving naked, you grab your keys and beckon your brother. He dutifully follows behind, no doubt staring at your butt while doing so.

You get in the car, and Drew gets in the passenger side. You turn on the car, and drive into the street. "Holy shit I'm driving a car, in public, with absolutely nothing to wear." you think. Your brother doesn't have much to say, though you notice out of the corner of your eye that he's been subtly eyeing you. Suddenly, the fuel light comes on, much to your secret delight.

"Damn. Almost out of gas. We're going to have to stop at the next station. You know how to pump gas right?" You ask him, but the fact that he's 13 means that this is unlikely. He shakes his head no, as expected.

"Well shit, that's no good." you pause for a few seconds before saying "Fuck it, I guess I'll have to do it." Drew's eyes go wide at the prospect of seeing his sister naked in public, pumping gas. You see a station coming up, and pull into a pump, barely making it.

"Oh my gawd, this is soooo freaking weird" you say, pretending to be embarrassed as you step out of the car and walk to the pump, though you don't cover yourself up at all. You pop the engine cover and insert the hose and start filling. People start to notice the hot redhead pumping gas stark naked, and stare. You hear a catcall from the next pump down, making you blush at all the attention you're getting. You finish pumping, but notice it's a "pay at the register" type gas station, meaning you had to go inside the store portion to pay. You walk to the other side of the car and open your door, grab your wallet, and casually walk to the gas station store. Eyes follow you, but you pretend to ignore them as you walk into the store. The attendant inside's jaw drops, but doesn't say anything regarding your nudity.

"Umm I was at pump 5" you tell the attendant, acting shy but still not covering up anything.

"O-ok, y-y-you're total i-is thirty-s-s-seven d-dollars and twenty-t-t-three c-cents" he stammered, clearly he has never experienced something like this before. You pay the total and walk back to your car. You get inside, and your brother looks dumbfounded.

"I can't believe you just did that." he says, still shocked at seeing his sister walk around the station butt naked.

"Well I wouldn't have had to if you knew how to pump gas. It's not that hard, you know." you reply, pretending to be mad about it.

"Uhh if it was so easy, why didn't you just tell me how to do it?" he asked. Damn, he's got a point.

"I didn't want you to mess it up! It's dad's credit card so I wanted to make sure it was done right." you lie, though convincingly enough to get him to stop questioning it. You continue making your way to Drew's friend's house, enjoying every second of driving around with nothing but a seatbelt on your skin. You pull up to the friend's house, and Drew gets out and goes inside. You're about to drive away, but you get a text from Drew, saying that his friend's family has never met you before and wants you to come inside. Oh shit. You text Drew back, asking if he told them about your... condition. He responds saying no, but he knows they'll be cool with it.

What do you do?

Go inside

Play it safe

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