Try to escape while you still can

From Create Your Own Story

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The chains around your neck are the only thing holding you, so if you can just slip out of them, you can make a run for it. You wait till all eyes are on your master, who started trying to sell the slave at the other end. This is your chance, you try and slip it over your head, but it just won't loosen. You're running out of time! You then start tugging at it with your hands, trying not to make and noise. After a moment you start jerking with all your might, it looks like it might give... But then you are knocked to the floor, and all eyes are on you. You had been seen! Your eyes closed in pain, but you can still feel the boot mark left on your head from the guard slamming your head into the metallic floor. You start to sob in pain and you can hear laughter erupt again.

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