Ignore his pleas and execute the soldier

From Create Your Own Story

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"Please, pretty lady, don't shoot me!" the soldier begs again.

"Okay," you say. With lightning speed, you strike him in the head with the butt of your pistol. You hit him several more times until you're sure you've beaten him to death.

You look down at the corpse, knowing that he would never show you mercy if the roles were reversed. It was you or him.

Unlocking the gate with a key you appropriate from a body, you continue along the concrete path until you reach the fence on the Israeli side. Several Israeli soldiers, alerted by the gunshots and explosions, come running. You calmly raise your hands in a gesture of peace. "Shalom," you say. The men look at you, not sure what to think.

A man in an officer's uniform steps forward and you address him in English. "Washington DC. There was a cave-in in the main tunnel, but I followed the canary and found another way out."

Recognizing that you are using a code, the officer motions for his men to let you through their side of the gate. The soldiers keep a close eye on you while the officer disappears into a guard shack to check your code out.

While you're waiting, one of the soldiers points to the dead bodies on the Syrian side. "Your handiwork?" You smile and nod. He gives you a high-five.

About ten minutes later, the officer emerges, addressing his men in Hebrew. The soldiers immediately relax and put their weapons away. The officer smiles at you. "Everything checks out. Let's get you a hot meal. You must be tired and hungry. And, might I add, good work."

"Thank you," you say gratefully.

After a satisfying meal, you are given a ride to a luxurious hotel in Haifa to spend the night. The next day, another driver takes you to Ben Gurion Airport, where you catch a flight home to the United States.

As the plane takes off and begins making its way over the Mediterranean Sea, you think of Alia and wonder if she made it out safely too.


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