Phone a friend(BW)

From Create Your Own Story

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Emma and Gem walk through the park before sitting on a bench to watch Joe and Josh play, Emma continues to glance nervously at Gem after what she said about fucking her all evening. She sees Gem pull out her cellphone once more and make a call, again the call is loud enough for her to hear both parties.

"Gem girl, how you doing?"

"Hey Bee, good, me and Kat found some sweet white ass early, ate Kat out while I fucked her," Emma looks about her quickly hoping no one else is close enough to hear.

"Sweet, would love me some of that."

"Well that's why I'm calling, I want to repay a favor so she's yours for a few hours, tonight, just after seven until one in the morning, she'll be a little reluctant but she's definitely a bottom. I'll send you the address."

"Thanks Gem, bye."


Gem hangs up and types a few words on to her cellphone while Emma looks at her shocked.

"That's your address isn't it?"

"Yes, but how did you know? and why would you give it to a stranger?"

"After we left you, me and Kat agreed you make a real good fuck toy, one we could drop in on when ever we had the urge, so we doubled back and followed you, seeing as the courts won't let her out after dark, we decided I'd be the one to break you in properly tonight, but as you know my plans have changed."

"But I can't do it, I won't do it, I just won't let her in."

"Bee is coming over later, Snowflake, so dress up in some sexy lingerie and treat her nice, she knows you belong to me and Kat so she won't use her fists."

"What, she'll beat me up if I don't let her in."

"No, she's into fisting which means she'll use her fist in her partners pussy and ass so wear lingerie, don't keep her waiting at the door and I'll send her message that if you do that she won't be allowed to use her fists. Josh time to go." Josh runs over with some complaining. "Stop whining you can play with Joe tomorrow."

Gem takes Josh by the hand and leads him away, leaving Emma with Joe. Once home Emma wastes no time getting Joe fed and ready for bed before leaving him to watch cartoons while she gets ready for her visitor. Unsure as to how sexy the lingerie she's expected to wear should be she takes no chances putting on a thong with matching bra and some hold up stockings all in baby pink, finally throwing on a robe to hide it all from Joe, she then waits nervously for the knock on the door.

Does the knock come?

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