Kiss the nomad in front of everyone

From Create Your Own Story

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You're the Queen now, if someone doesn't like who you're affectionate with, they can stick it. Nomads need intimacy just as much anyone else, and this man is actually novel and interesting enough that you want to give him your attention, rather than just doing it to meet the status quo.

"You're very sweet Horseman" As you gently kiss him on the lips and dash your eyes at him "But you may keep your horse, and your bow. You're free to enjoy the beauty at your leisure"

"Thank you Your Majesty. Speaking of beauty, would you like to see" Koth is cut off, as one of the other lords comes barrelling in.

"Pardon me, my dear, but you certainly don't need to associate yourself with these nomadic scum-dwellers" The man is quite clearly drunk. Normally that would be fine and even expected. However, the fact that he's getting territorial with you, as if he belonged to you, is infuriating. The next sentence weren't much better "Perhaps I can accompany you instead this evening, I'm sure you'll find the socialization much more rewarding" You've fucked him before, but he's grossly unhygienic, and not the least bit talented. You'd sooner suffer going to bed by yourself than him.

The drunkard tries to wrap his arm around you, but is stopped by the nomad "Excuse me, but we were having a conversation, and you are addressing the Queen. She can associate with whoever she so pleases, and I don't believe you're that person at the moment"

"You listen here you ponytailed savage, I'm of good mind to put you on the floor in about two seconds"

Koth is unnerved "I welcome you to try"

Let the two men fight over you Break it up and favor Koth Break it up and favor the drunk Get Lars in to stop the fighting

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