Feel shocked. Mataki is not a loser

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:51, 10 April 2008 by Pepperdude (Talk | contribs)

"Mataki is cool," you say. "He's not a loser."

"Mataki is his name?" she replies. "That's weird."

"He's fucking Asian! What do you expect his name to be, John?" you say.

"I meant those guys," she points to two skateboarders who look like real assholes.

"Oh, cool. Mataki is over there." You point to Mataki. He's showing a girl how he can shake free coins out of the old Pacman game.

"Well, it looks like he's already having fun with my friend," she replies.

"Oh, really? Do you and your friend want to come with me and Mataki to the mini-golf course?" you ask.

"Sure," she says.

Let's Go!!!--

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