Take the condemned elf as your mate

From Create Your Own Story

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Despite the guard's warning, your heart swells with pity, making you want her. Though there is the problem of her uncontrollable libido, you think it might be worth the risk. Perhaps your brother of mind might know something. You'll have to take her to see him anyway, to care for her wounds. As the saying goes, kill two birds with one stone.

"I can't let you execute her." you tell the guard.

He seems quite shocked to hear you say this, but asks, "You sure? She real dangerous."

"I know. But I can't let such a beautiful creature die."

If the elf was capable of smiling, she would be to hear your words. Instead, you notice a few tears fall from her swollen eyes.

"Your funeral, boy." the guard says and allows you passage to her.

Seeing as she's in no shape to walk, you pick her up, and are met with no resistance. But she does squeal in pain. They roughed her up real good, and you rush her over to the village hospital, where your brother of mind is attending to a patient.

"Brother, I have someone who needs urgent care!" you shout.

"I'll be there in a minute!" he shouts back.

You lie the elf down on a nearby bed, and do your best to make sure she's comfortable. As you wait, you look the elf over, and it's then you notice that in addition to all the other wounds on her, she's missing three fingers. Two on her left hand, and one on her right. You always knew that orc torture was bad, but you never thought it was this bad. They didn't even bother cleaning any of her wounds, and many have developed infections. That she's even alive is a small miracle.

Your brother soon comes in with his usual tools, and takes a quick look at the elf. It doesn't take him long to know who it is. "Why her, brother? There are millions of elves out there, why her?"

"I felt sorry for her. When I saw her sitting there, waiting for her own execution, I... I don't know. I just couldn't help it. I'm sorry."

"Mother certainly rubbed off on you. Fine, I'll treat her. But if she hurts you in any way, I'm killing her myself."

You've never heard your brother of mind ever threaten anyone before, and it's quite scary. "Thank you."

Without another word, your brother gets to work on her. Applying lotion to her swollen eyes and cheeks, cleaning her numerous gashes and cut fingers, and wrapping her up in bandages. She almost looks like a mummy when he's done.

Health Horny,needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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