D&D: "Bring her over to me"

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:55, 16 August 2016 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

The men slowly unhook you from the pen. You see them strapping a leash on your metallic collar and they drags you towards the captain, who's sitting on a crate with his legs wide open. His dick is even bigger then the other.

"you are monsters... let me go..." you beg lightly..

"Hrm.. not a chance.. I think it's time you learn what your mouth is used for..." he says while tugging your leash. He forces you to crawl closer so you are not strangled and look up at him, his dick is now inches from your face.

"Now then.. I don'T want to hear any other complains... the only thing I want to see coming of your mouth is a pleasured human dick.. .are we clear ?"

You shake your head wildly. Not eager to get along with this.

"No ?"... he says with a smile. and look over to his men. He makes a sign to one of his men who goes to a tent and bring back a crate. He then looks at you. "Since you think you've got a choice girl.. I'l humour you for a moment. No is not an answer I like..." he says cruely.

He makes you look at the crate. When the man holding it open it, you see inside the crate, Several long and very large metallic rod are cleanly installed within. Some of them have sharp studs, some round one. Other have some kind of holes. All of them must be at least 3 inches wide and easily 10 inches long.

You look at it in fear and look back up at the captain who is now tapping his cock "Now... here's your choice girl.. you either open your mouth like a good docile slut and suck my cock.. or the next time we train your holes with these..."

You gasp and look back at the rods. These things are definiately going to break you in half if they are pushed inside you..."So.. what is it going to be ?"

D&D: You quickly wrap your lips around his cock and begins to blow him

D&D: You spit in his face

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