Apologize for it and don't say anything

From Create Your Own Story

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You second guess yourself after your mom so blatantly offers herself sexually. You thought you were ready for it and you're not. Your face begins to get red and you mask your erection with both hands. You also pull your legs together and try to move them away from your mothers.

"I'm sorry about that mom. I'll be fine. Please don't think about it." You're almost too embarrassed to look her, but you do see her pout her face, and back away "Well sweetie, if that's what you want, but don't think you have to suffer alone" She quickly gets out of the bath, covers herself, and departs the room quietly.

You sulk in the bath for a few moments before you get out. You still need to work the soreness out. After the water stops feeling warm, you crawl out and dry yourself, before heading back to your room.

Once you enter, a young blonde hair woman lay naked in your bed. She looks about your age, with tits as big your moms, and a great ass to match. She smiles as she motions for you to approach.

"Hello young prince. I'm here to make sure you don't suffer alone..."

Tell the woman to get out

Fuck the stage blonde woman in your bed

Ask the strange blonde woman for a blowjob

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