Pokemon: Charmander - To Viridian City

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The walk to Viridan City is longer than you remembered. You and David spend most of the time in a comfortable silence, which is weird considering that you both just met. Every so often he points out a Pokemon in a tree, or you'll point out a Pokemon behind a bush, and you'll both try to get closer to it before it scurries away. That's fine by you, you're in now hurry to use your remaining 5 Pokeballs, especially because you just got Charmander, and you don't even know him all that well you. But he seems like a pretty cool litte companion. About halfway through the journey, David takes his Totidile out of it's Pokeball, and you watch Charmander interact with the water type. Both are quite curious about one another, but soon enough, emulate their trainers and become friends.

Suddenly, you remember that you have a Pokedex, and you whip it out. You want to get some information about Pokemon you've seen before you get to Viridian, and David is fine with that. To the left, there's a small field with some Pidgeys and Ratattas grazing, and to the right, there's a couple of trees where you'll find a Caterpie or two without much trouble.

You can:

Location: Kanto - Route 1

Money: $550

Equipment: 3 Oran Berries, 2 potions, 5 Pokéballs, 1 map

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