Ask what they mean by checking you.

From Create Your Own Story

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"So, checking me. What do you mean by that?"

"If you're going to stick around here, we need to know you haven't been infected. It takes awhile before you start seeing the blisters on the face, or the rash, or start acting like a crazy person."

"And how are you going to find out?"

"By checking you. Your skin. Your body. Making sure you haven't been bit, or scratched, or have any wounds that look like they might be infected," Alisha says.

"All of me?" You ask.

"All of you. Out of your clothes, close inspection, because the two of us aren't risking shit. It'd be great to have someone else along, but not if there's a risk you might turn into one of those freaks."

On one hand, it makes sense to you. You can't be too sure, if what they're telling you is the whole truth. Then again, what if you get out of your things, and they simply still your clothes, your bug out bag, and leave you defenseless in the room? Can you trust these two random women? On the one hand, they did save your life, but on the other, it doesn't look like they have much in the way of supplies, and you don't really know either of them.

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