Serenity: no; too personal

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"No, that's not going to happen." Serenity strictly rules out.

"I understand, my dear." Abe tips his head. "It looks like a very fine fabric."

A long silence sits between both Serenity and Abe. Serenity watches the old man feast on the ice cream as she awkwardly clears hear throat.

"So, uh, lovely day isn't it?" Serenity questions trying to break the silence.

"Yes, I guess so." Abe replies as he cleans his sticky mouth.

Again, more silence; Serenity was somewhat unnerved about this, with a feeling of being neglected. Was this old man upset because he couldn't have a feel of Serenity's dress?

Fiddling with her fingers, Serenity takes in a deep breath to calm herself from this unwelcoming situation.

"So, Serenity. Have you had sex at all?" Abe asks without hesitation.

Whoa! What the fuck did he just ask me? Serenity thinks as her heart pauses.

"I-I don't th-think that that's a very appropriate question to ask me, Mr.Abe" Serenity responds tensing up inside. "Why would you ask me that?"

"I just thought it was a simple question." Abe says back. "Any man would be very lucky to have you."

Serenity: refuse to answer

Serenity: walk away from the perv

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