Serenity: answer wearing maid

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If it was Dan, then it would be best to remain in her costume for now.


Again Serenity is caught off guard by the loud echoes. This makes her hurry out of the room and rushes down the stairs as Serenity approaches the front door. Serenity knew that whoever is on the other side of the door will confused to see a dirty looking girl in a sexy maid outfit.

Taking a quick breath, Serenity reaches and turns the handle to the door. With a short delay, she pulls it open to greet the random stranger on the other side. Serenity was given slight relief knowing that it wasn't Dan on the other side, but was dreading to see another man standing at the door step. It didn't take long for a man in a blue and orange jumpsuit who was holding a red toolbox to notice Serenity's tight figure. Already he is starring down Serenity's revealing cleavage covered in black and dirty marks making her squint at his rudeness.

"Why hello there little lady." The man says raising an eyebrow. "I don't suppose you're the owner of this house?"

"No, I'm not." Replies Serenity impatiently.

"Well I apologize, but Dan called me a week earlier and asked me if I could fix his broken fuse in his garage." The man explains taking a step further.

"I guess you have to come in." Serenity sighs under her breath as she steps aside to allow the technician entry into the house.

"Thank you ma'am, I'll get to work right away." Replies the handyman as he goes through another door into the garage.

Keeping a watchful eye, Serenity follows the man as he pops open a panel on the wall, she watches the technician take out screws and pulls off different pieces.

"So I'm guessing you're the maid." Asks the man trying to make conversation.

"Yes... I am." Serenity briefly replies.

Nothing else was said from the focused man fixing the power board. Serenity taps her heels as she impatiently waits.

"Pardon my dear, but could you go to my toolbox and pass me a spanner?"

Saying nothing, Serenity walks over to the red box and does as she is told hoping that it accelerates this awkward situation. Bending oven as she searches through the mans tools, Serenity finally finds spanner but pauses in suspicion; the rustling the man was making was halted all of a sudden. The idea then hits Serenity. Bending over the slightest reveals a nice chunk of Serenity's ass and she knows that the technician is having a peep right now. With a quick snap of her head, Serenity looks behind her and catches the mans gaze locked onto her ass. Stuttering in shock, the technician rapidly blinks and looks away as he goes back to work.

Serenity: it's okay to look

Serenity: threaten him

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