Masterbate your stress off

From Create Your Own Story

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Rolling in your blanket with restlessness, you finaly kick them off and look at the ceiling. You havn't even taken the time to wash your mouth and you still taste the cum of your boss. You sigh softly and your hand reaches your naked breasts and begins to fondle it softly. You grab a hold of both and mold them together, your finger crawling to your nipple and squeezing them softly. You remember sitting in a chair with a dick inside your mouth... your lips tightly sealed around it as it moves back and forth.

Your left hand slides down and you spread your legs in a M, dragging your finger across the delicate and sensitive folds of your pussy. You feel the wetness gathering as you get horny. Your finger delicately slides into your pussy and pumps in softly. You crook it inside just like you like it and spread your entrance around. You remember the strong hand on your head, tugging you back and making you blow. You felt use and it felt hot.

You arch your back a little, raising your hips as you get more intense in your self-caress. Your moans fills your room but you keep them low enough for your family not to hear any.

You pleasure yourself longly for over 30 minute before finaly releasing a gentle climax.

Finaly relaxed and released of your pent-up sexual tension, you begins to drowse and fall asleep.

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