Piggy's Day/Wrap your nose in a cloth

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< Piggy's Day
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Thankfully, the first aid cabinet is located in the bathroom. You get up and grab an absorbant cloth, and wrap it first around your nose, then around your head, and lastly, in your mouth.

"Fhere. Fhat 'fould dfo itf."

You now remember that you never took a first aid course, and are in many other ways a stupid person. You've botchered the wrapping in a bad way, and not only is your nose still bleeding, you're now having difficulties speaking, and breathing.

Piggy: "Sfhine! Fake the fapping off!"

Swine: "Uhmm... Excuse me?"

Swine misunderstands your muffled speech. You point at your nose, looking distressed.

Piggy: "The fapping! It's fhuck!"

Swine: "Dear lord... I think you might've sustained brain damage after all!"

You only have seconds left until you collapse.


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