The Maze more than 12" no: No

From Create Your Own Story

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Who cares about the questions, all you want is to be fucked senseless. The screen has finally stopped asking questions and it gives you a room number.


You take note of the number.

"Don't forget your recipt. Use it to pay on the way out." The receptionist says and looks down at a magazine she's reading.

You take the slip of paper that the desk spat out and look for signs that will lead you to room 32. As you walk down the hallways all you can hear is the calming sounds of soft music filling the space. You applaude the soundproofing for the rooms.

After a few turns you reach room 32. Not sure quite what to do you knock. A tall dark man opens the door in just a pair of boxers.

"Welcome." he says and stands aside so you can walk in.

You see a surprisingly large room considering the sheer number of rooms the Farm must have in this building. A king size bed is against one wall, plenty of floor space. You see a few doors that must be cupboards containing all kinds of toys and equiptment, and a door left slightly ajar shows a dazzeling bathroom. You turn your eyes back to the man in front of you, figures that you'd be given a black man, not that your complaining, you've always liked the feel of their skin, almost like velvet. He's waiting patiently for you to make the first move. He's toned, but not chisled, and taller than you by a good few inches.

"I'm really horny, so I'm looking for lots of fun, no finishing for a while. Multiple positions and toys are encouraged. I would like you to be dominating, but no tying up or spanking, or anything like that, unless I ask for it." As you spout out rules anyone would think you'd done this before, which you kind of had, but who's counting?

"Of course." The man obliges willingly.

"Ready?" you ask, but get no reply. You shrug and kiss the man in front of you.

At once he wraps his arms around you and presses you against his body, making quick work of the few layers you have on.

What happens next?

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