Squirt your spunk on the jogger's face

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:27, 1 February 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You can't hold back. You hold the jogger's foot firmly over your nose with one hand and aim your throbbing penis with the other. The jogger cries out as your cum shoots her right in the face. It splatters over her nose and drips down her cheeks. The sight of her cum-coated face just heightens the intensity of your orgasm and makes you spurt even more.

"I'm coated!" she says. "Did you get any in my ponytail? Wow. I think you even got it in my hair! This is amazing! I've never taken it in the face before! Keep doing that. Keep stroking yourself and give me more!"

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