D&D: Female Halfling Fighter: Get drunk
From Create Your Own Story
Sod it, you think to yourself, a thousand gold goes a long way. You saunter over to the barkeep and hoist yourself up into a barstool, where you can be seen. It doesn't take long before he finishes wiping out a flagon and strolls over to you.
"'Ello love, what can I get you?" the portly man asks.
"Ale!" you reply, heartily, "and plenty of it!"
Deep into your first mug you glance around at your surroundings. The young adventurers you saw earlier pay their tab and head out, so you guess you won't see them again (for better or worse). A woman comes and sits by your anti-orc employer. She orders a drink, but they both leave before it arrives. Either bad service, or they wanted to leave in a hurry. Since you know this place, it is certainly the latter.
Your observant brown eyes spot a Dwarven couple in the corner start to go down on each other, as the female ducks her head under the table. Most of the room remains oblivious, but you titter to yourself as you go back to your drink
A couple of hours and a gold piece of alcohol pass and your celebrating is suddenly interrupted by...