Complete Domination/Go for the amazon

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You decide to stick around for the end of the game. Almost expectedly, it ends with the blonde’s victory. It seems the other team isn’t too pleased with the result, and you can’t blame them- every volley ended the instant the tall girl got her hands on the ball.

After the game, most of the winning team energetically makes their way off the court. As the only one to have actually put in any real effort, the blond sluggishly trails behind.

You take the opportunity to walk up to her and offer her a “Nice game out there.”

She turns towards you and tiredly replies “Thanks.”

She stops walking, and you’re forced to squint at her to look up at her face.

“Yeah,” you continue amiably, raising a hand to keep the sun out of your eyes, “I’ve never seen a big bitch like you move like that before.”

The girl slowly blinks at you, as if waiting to process what you’ve said. Sighing, she shakes her head as she turns to walk away, irritatedly muttering “Whatever man.”

You expected something a bit more spirited, but you’re not deterred.

What do you do?

Or do you

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