Complete Domination/Greet her as she passes you

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“Woah,” you call out. “Slow down there fuck-meat.”

The girl’s upper lip curls in disgust as she turns to look at you. She stops several feet ahead and yells back indignantly.

“The fuck did you say to me?”

You keep walking until you’re face to face with her.

“I said,” you answer slowly, shoving your face into hers, “‘Slow down. And bend over. So I can pound your black ass, fuck-meat.’”

The woman doesn’t seem frightened by you, but her tone is still somewhat more subdued when she replies “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“I’m the guy who’s about to choke the shit out of you if he doesn’t see a hole in the next ten seconds,” you answer.

The woman clenches her jaw. “You’re not gonna do shit.”

You were never one to break a promise, so you reach up and wrap your hand around her throat. Her brown face still looks skeptical, so without further ado, you begin to squeeze.

The woman tries to take it stoically at first, not resisting you in the slightest. But as the seconds wear on, small noises begin to trickle out of her throat. She swallows and lets out a slight squeak.

“You are one dumb, fucking bitch,” you growl, tightening your grip.

Despite her growing discomfort, the woman has still not made any attempts to actually stop you. She stares into your eyes as you continue to choke her. It both pisses you off and turns you on.

What do you do?

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