Wishful Thinking/Giving Amina Her Dream First Time

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You stand out in the desert, hot sand pinging off your armor. Armou?! You realize that your body is covered in some sort of ancient Arabian armor. Cliffs rise in front of you, and an opening snuggles among boulders at its base.

"Did I wish for this?" you wonder aloud. Amina's face appears on the cliff in front of you.

"You didn't say it, but you thought it."

"To give you a divine sexual experience to start your existence." A slow smile spread over her face.

"You phrase it so perfectly, yes, that was what you thought. So you need to fight your way through that camp of... bandits and take the newly born Amina to a place where you can take her to the peak of desire and pleasure."

"Can I fight? I've never held a sword before..." Her face faded back into the rock.

"Your skill matches your desire." she was gone. You pull out the scimitar and, by reflex, spin the pommel in the palm of your hand, flip the blade and catch it.

"Well, that really works!" Drawing the short dagger you head to the cave mouth.

"Well, djinn... You cost me me everything I own to get you made, so my first wish is for riches beyond my wildest dreams!" Amina looked at him. What a nasty man. She blinked and a goat appeared, wiggling its hips at El Sudaffi suggestively. "KYETCH! What??" He spluttered. Amina stared at him defiantly. "This is what you want in your wildest dreams, mating with a Goat. I can only grant exactly what you say." His eyes narrowed.

"Little whore!" He checked to see if any of his men were present to see this embarrasing revelation. "Give me a chest of opals, right here and now, big ones but not too big, very expensive, and make it exactly what I want!" Amina blinked again, and a tonne of opals appeared on the cave floor. "Hmmm... Good for something after all. And maybe for other things too... little wench." Fires of lust were in his eyes as he advanced on her. She dropped her gown to prepare for him.

Screams carried down the tunnel. "Son of a mouldy camel womb! WHAT!!" You dash through the door, thoroughly bloodstained with the blood of El Sudaffi's other 40 theives.

"Oh, no, am I too late?" you ask notchalantly.

"Kyeh! A desert storm to fill your shit hole! Die!" His scimitar was in hand, and he lunged, tip pointed at your heart. You deflect it without a blink and flash the blade back to gash open his guts, and they spill out on to the dusty floor and through the opals. He makes a few small noises and splutters until his eyes glaze over. Amina looks at you.

"You're not from here, are you?" There was no recognition in her voice, only fact.

"Well, not at the moment, no." You scoop the pendant off the dead bandit's neck. "But I am your new master. And my first wish is a somewhat sensual one. I want us to be taken to a place you create for the ultimate sexual experience that a genie could ever hope for." A little gasp escaped her lips.

"Your command.." she sounded breathless. A silver flame engulfed you both and the cavern faded away.

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