Serenity: make him cum away from herself

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This was far enough, she knew that he was about to pop. Serenity noticed the bald man saying nothing, he just focused on Serenity's gorgeous face. It was time, she pointed and aims the twitching cock away from her, directly to the floor. Without warning, the bald man moans his loudest with his eyes closed, tilting his head back he fell to orgasm and shot his load. With a splat of each jet of cum, Serenity made sure to keep away from the growing puddle that formed in front of her as the bald man emptied himself and slowly thrust his cock in her fist.

With her last strokes, cum drools from the moaning mans softening tips onto Serenity's hands running down from her fingers. Serenity flicked off the sticky, white goo as she noticed it with disgust.

"Thanks for the hand sweetie" The bald man laughed as he receded back satisfied. "I'm hoping to see ya again tomorrow"

Pulling his trousers back up the bald man took a final look at her, imaging what he could have gotten and walked out of the stalls. In disgust Serenity stood back up and flicked her blonde hair back. Just as she thought, just a bunch of horny dogs here, but Serenity did smirk at herself thinking on what to do with the fifty she just earned.

Serenity: ending result 12

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