Punish your wife by Fucking Timmy Yourself

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You tell your wife that that's enough for tonight and you send her up to bed unsatisfied. You want to punish her for her lust for your youngest son, you decide the best way to do that is to fuck Timmy first and turn him on to cock, that way even if she tries to fuck him, he won't be as keen on the idea. You would consider yourself bisexual, unbeknownst to your wife every now and again, the business trips abroad you go to are actually weekends spent at your shemale friend Lulu's apartment downtown. While there you fuck anyone with a tight asshole and a cock and you mean anyone.

As your wife is in her room getting ready for bed, you head into Timmy's room and find him on his bed with his hand in his pants masturbating furiously, he is so into it he hasn't noticed you come in, that is until you cough and he jumps up in terror. You quickly try to calm him down "It's alright son, you've nothing to be ashamed of we all do it" you says with a chuckle which seems to settle him. You sit beside him on the bed with his pants open and put your arm around him. "You were thinking about your mother won't you?", a look of terror comes across his face, " I don't blame you son, she's hot, but can I tell you something, see what you picture her or any woman doing to you? It'll never be as good as you imagine, because they don't know what to do to give your cock the pleasure it deserves. Only men know exactly what to do." you tell him as you gently place your hand on his thigh. "Take for example what you were just doing, did you know that if you pop a finger up your ass while doing it it makes it so much better?" you say as Timmy looks at you in shock "r...re...really?" he nervously replies with a slight tone of intrigue. "Would you like me to show you?" you say as you move your hand gently onto his crotch, he nods slightly with fear in his little blue eyes. You then spring into action, take of his pants and underwear, lay him back on his bed and spread his legs and begin stroking his surprisingly big for his age cock as you insert a digit up his tight little ass. As you step up the pace all Timmy's nerves leave his gorgeous little body as he begins to moan with pleasure. It doesn't take long for him to shoot a load into your hand, as he looks up at you with a exhausted smile, you take out your big hard cock and cover it in Timmy's cum. "Come and taste it you" tell him and he only hesitates for a moment before licking every drop of your boner and swallowing it gladly. As he swallows the last drop he asks " Can we Do more man stuff Daddy?".

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