Wait and prepare for your final class

From Create Your Own Story

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You settle down into the teacher's comfortable chair behind his oak desk and wait as patiently as you can for the next class, reviewing teaching material, flipping through the pile of science textbooks and other literature articles. As you concentrate on reading, the time seems to flash by and suddenly your concentration is broken by the sound of the bell. Students begin pouring into the room.

As the students take their seats and opened their books, you scan the class looking for your next victims. The students are clamoring around, teasing one another, laughing, and whispering to one another. Most of the children are at various points in their development and are still awkwardly growing into their bodies.

Three female students catch your eye. You search the teacher's memory for their names. The first one, Emma, has brown hair and is developed for her age, her form is curvy and she is well endowed, her bust stretches the top half of her uniform. The second one, Angel has cascades of platinum blonde hair and is petite and skinny. Her breasts are small mounds and her large doe like eyes make her seem very vulnerable. The last one, Raven, is wearing gothic style clothing, mainly black and white lace with some striped stockings and gloves. She has pitch black hair and eyes and has a cool demeanor. Her development is somewhere in between Angel and Emma.

You clear your throat to get attention and begin your lesson, teaching a boring lesson about microbial organisms and soil morphology. The students seem extremely bored and stare out the window listlessly. As the class drags on a Anjelica timidly raises her hand. "Uhm professor?"

You stop your lecture and call on her expecting a question about the information. "Yes Angel?"

"Class was supposed to have ended ten minutes ago."

You look up at the clock and realize you have gone over the time limit, for some reason the bell didn't ring.

"Wow, I didn't even notice the time! Alright that concludes our lesson, make sure you pick up your tests from last class before you leave!"

As the students begin to file out do you:

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