Messaging Sarah- Hide in a stall

From Create Your Own Story

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You hide in the furthest stall from the door hoping you won't be found. You here the footsteps get louder and louder then someone opens the door and walks in. You hear the second cabinet open and some shuffling and then one click from a shoe hitting the floor and then another. You wonder what is happening. The door opens and the person leaves.

You wait a few minutes and then come out of the stall the door to the cabinet is still open and you look inside. The panties are gone. That must have been Sarah. She must have gotten cold, well not feet. She must have decided to come back early to get her panties.

You decide to go home and see if you can talk to her online. You head for home and lock the office door behind you. When you get home, you go to your room, turn on the computer, and login to Clubs. She is not online yet, but in a few minutes you hear the notification sound and look at the computer to see who it is.

Notification: SarahS is Online

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