Interrogate the kid.

From Create Your Own Story

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Dropping down onto your front to look under the bed, you spot a bare leg wiggling in the shadows as the boy scrambled to put as much junk between you and him. Apparently he hasn’t heard your arrival and his head hit the bed when your hand reached under and grabbed him by the ankle. Pulling him out under protect, you lift him up and backed him up against the wooden ladders.

You shake him and loudly demand that he tell you where his phone is. It wasn’t until you screamed, "Spill it." when you noticed the bucket on the shelf next to the second bed that you realized that those were a poor choice in words. It was while looking up that you heard him hurling which was muffled by the chunky contents pouring out of his mouth and was taken a second place by the slapping sound of warm yet slightly chilling spew hitting against you naked crotch and quickly dripping down your bare thighs.

The smell was vile enough and the feeling was even more unpleasant but nothing was worse than knowing that this actually happened. Disgusted, you leave the bedroom and...

Leave the house quickly in a blind panic.

Bump into the returning mother.

Find a bathroom to clean yourself.

Slip on the puke and fall down the stairs.

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