Messaging Sarah- Turn down your volume

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Revision as of 21:09, 15 April 2015 by Jcpanties (Talk | contribs)

You turn down your volume just in time. As the counter hits 0, you get a notification that you have a message.

SarahS: hey how r u
Me: I'm fine and you
SarahS: I'm fine can I ask you a question
SarahS: it's kind of personal
Me: sure
SarahS: do guys get erections randomly or does there have to be a reason
Me: uhh wow... Yeah I can answer that
Me: yes we do get them randomly sometimes, but there is usually a reason y?
SarahS: well J is on the stage and I'm pretty sure there is a bulge in his pants. That's kind of weird right
Me: yeah, but maybe there is a lady he likes
SarahS: yeah ok

It's a few minutes before she says anything else and your not sure what to say. When she messages again she says:

SarahS: hey can I ask one more personal question
Me: sure
SarahS: do you think any guy will ever look at me like that?
SarahS: I mean I am really skinny and with no boobs idk if I'm attractive 
Me: I think u will. I mean what you described sounds like my dream girl
SarahS: yeah but I bet if you saw me u wouldn't think so
Me: u could send a pic of yourself
SarahS: idk. Maybe
Me: u don't have to of course
SarahS: um...
Me: really u don't have to. What else do u wanna talk about
SarahS: here's one
SarahS: img
SarahS: what do you think
Me: yeah I still think your very attractive
SarahS: really
Me: yeah

She is silent for a while and you wonder what she is thinking. You decide to ask her:

Me: hey what you thinking
SarahS: truthfully?
Me: yeah
SarahS: I was just thinking I wanted to do something crazy
Me: really like what?
SarahS: idk any ideas
Me: I know why don't you go into the bathroom
SarahS: yeah
Me: take off your panties 
SarahS: mmhmm
Me: and hide them until next time you're in the group
SarahS: umm
Me: I know I'm weird...

While you are typing you see her get up and walk to the bathroom. You decide to finish your sentence so she does suspect that you are near her.

... That's stupid right?
Me: u there
SarahS: yeah got em off just trying to find somewhere to hide them
Me: ok
Me: u really did it wow.

[[Category: Messaging Sarah Stine]]
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