Messaging Sarah- Turn down your volume
From Create Your Own Story
You turn down your volume just in time. As the counter hits 0, you get a notification that you have a message.
SarahS: hey how r u Me: I'm fine and you SarahS: I'm fine can I ask you a question SarahS: it's kind of personal Me: sure SarahS: do guys get erections randomly or does there have to be a reason Me: uhh wow... Yeah I can answer that Me: yes we do get them randomly sometimes, but there is usually a reason y? SarahS: well J is on the stage and I'm pretty sure there is a bulge in his pants. That's kind of weird right Me: yeah, but maybe there is a lady he likes SarahS: yeah ok
It's a few minutes before she says anything else and your not sure what to say. When she messages again she says:
SarahS: hey can I ask one more personal question Me: sure SarahS: do you think any guy will ever look at me like that? SarahS: I mean I am really skinny and with no boobs idk if I'm attractive Me: I think u will. I mean what you described sounds like my dream girl SarahS: yeah but I bet if you saw me u wouldn't think so Me: u could send a pic of yourself SarahS: idk. Maybe Me: u don't have to of course SarahS: um... Me: really u don't have to. What else do u wanna talk about SarahS: here's one SarahS: img SarahS: what do you think Me: yeah I still think your very attractive SarahS: really Me: yeah