TWAWKI/Jill should play with Danny's little dick

From Create Your Own Story

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You focus your godly powers and whisper:

"Jill, I bet the little guy's dick would be really cute."

Jill seems to think about it for a moment, the says, "Hey Danny, could you do me a favor?"

"Whacha want?" asked the little boy.

"Can I see your willy?" whispered Jill.

"I ain't supposed to show my willy to anybody. I got in big trouble for doing that before."

The thought of Danny showing his little classmates his dick is driving Jill over the edge. She can't help but put her hand down her skirt.

"Its okay," says Jill, "I won't tell anyone."

Danny seems to think about it for a bit, then without saying anything pushes down his pants and underwear. Jill is a bit surprised as his rigid cock springs from his shorts. Not only is it rock hard, but it has to be four inches long. She was expecting a tiny, little thing on a five year old, but four inches, while small for a man, is massive for a kindergartener. Danny is going to be very popular with the ladies when he grows up.

Jill can't help herself as she reaches over, and starts to stroke the little guy's cock in rhythm with the stroking of her own moist teen twat. Danny lets out a low moan, and looks into her eyes.

"That feels weird," he says.

"Good weird, or bad weird?" asked Jill.

"Good," replies Danny, "really, really good!"

Jill quickens her pace on both the boy's little prick and her own quivering quim. It isn't long before Danny starts lurching in his seat; in the throws of a powerful dry cum.

All his action has attracted a bit more attention than Jill was expecting, so she quickly straightens up both of their clothing, and returns to normal for a bit. She waits for things to get back to normal on the bus, then turns to Danny again.

Change focus.

Influence Jill Wilson

Make a rule


Focus Rules
Country United States Incest is not only okay, but highly desirable. / Human females get pregnant whenever they get semen in their vagina. / Human females can only be pregnant with the children conceived in a single day at one time. / The younger the partner the hotter the sex. /
Region Miller's Grove, Indiana
Individual Jill Wilson
Condition Horny, Pregnant (2 by her brother Barry)
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