(C) Allow yourself to doze off holding Keisha in your arms

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:08, 10 February 2015 by Ndqw (Talk | contribs)

You nestle Keisha's slim body against your own and relax. Your arm holds her softly in place. Keisha looks very relaxed, and her eyes slowly close. You let your own eyes close as well.

"Hello, Connor." It's Shayla's voice. "This must be Keisha."

You glance at the clock. Five p.m. You've been dozing for an hour. "Hi."

Keisha's eyes flutter open. "That's me." She lightly kisses your chest. "Connor here is unbelievably sweet/"

You blush violently. "All I did was tell her to be patient and not rush things, only do what she was comfortable with."

Your dad's voice sounds. "Given the popular stereotype of men, especially young ones, as Neanderthals who grab the girls by their hair, drag them back to their cave and have their way with them, treating one like a human and taking her needs into account is unbelievably sweet by comparison," he states ham-fistedly

Shayla giggles. "Now, if you'll excuse us, I have to go make your father attend to my needs. Seeing you two being so loving got me... turned on."

The two of them head for the master bedroom. You and Keisha quickly dress and do your studying/homework. it's almost six o'clock. You call Keisha's mom and let her know that Keisha is with you at your house and you two just finished up the night's homework. She thanks you for helping her daughter study, but wants her back home now. You walk Keisha back to her house, holding hands, and when Keisha's mom opens the door, you kiss Keisha chastely on the cheek. She giggles and blushes.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Keisha's mom asks. The wonderful smells coming from the kitchen make your mouth water.

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