Live here in this village with Alexandra

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll stay here with her," you reply.

Isabelle says firmly, "Very well. Wait here until I return."

You and Alexandra snuggle for a bit, then you lick her to climax, then she sucks your cock until you cum. She's resting in your arms, her eyes half-closed as you hold her, when the door opens again. Isabelle has returned with an older man, whom you guess to be her father, the lord of the town.

"I understand you have chosen to stay here with us, orc," he says.

You nod. "I am quite happy that my new mate, Alexandra, wanted an orc for a mate, but I feel it would be unfair to her to take her away from all the people she knows."

"We have never had an orc as a resident before," the man continues. "How do you intend to supply her with food and other belongings?"

"I will go into the wilderness and hunt game animals, using their flesh for meat and their hides to make clothing for her," you reply. "She already has a dwelling to live in."

The man shakes his head. "Too risky. We cannot chance our women losing their mates... even if their mate is an orc. You will work at the farm of Lord Ctvrtlik until you feel comfortable farming your own land. You will be paid at the usual wage and you may use the money earned to purchase any goods you may need. Isabelle will escort you to and from the lord's farm. Lord Ctvrtlik has been informed of the situation and has agreed to accept you onto his work crew beginning tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, sir," you reply. "Are you Isabelle's father?"

"Yes," he responds. "You are surprisingly intelligent, observant and gentle for an orc."

"My mother is a dark elf," you explain. "Her influence on me was great."

Two months later, you have learned enough about farming from working with Lord Ctvrtlik's men that you elect to farm your own land. A week after that, Isabelle's father returns.

"The city guard has informed me that three orcs were found at the gate," he tells you. "They were unarmed and claimed they are your brothers and wish to see you."

"Bring them here," you request. 10 minutes later, your three brothers are leaning against the stone wall surrounding some of your crops. You introduce Alexandra to them.

"Your mom and dad miss you, you know," your brother of mind tells you. "You should pay them a visit."

Health Mated to Alexandra Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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