Downfall/Sure, you have watched survival shows

From Create Your Own Story

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"Yes, they were running in the background while I did housework," you say, "but they aren't going to be helpful, are they?"

"You can learn a lot of useful things from them, Jules."

"Well, maybe - if we were equipped like them. They go in with a knife and other stuff from the beginning, and how fortunate they always seem to find useful stuff."

"The shows are semi-staged," Cate says. "Some stuff is placed, and there is a team ready to help outside the edited parts."

"So, what's it gonna help, then?"

"I made a fire, didn't I? How did you figure I know how to do it? Besides not being a successful show if the guy had to be medevaced, it wouldn't be a show of all if they had nothing to show. That's why they stage it, but it doesn't mean you can't learn some basic principles. You know, like eating everything remotely edible."

"Like larvae or maggots or something?" You shudder in disgust, having decided you wouldn't do that unless on the brink of starvation.

"If necessary," Cate says, but she doesn't press the subject. You know she'll bring it up again like she knows that now is not the right time. Cate stands up and puts more wood onto the fire. She takes her clothes off the line - apparently, they are now dry enough to wear. She collects your clothes as well and hands them to you. You dress, except for the shoes and the bra.

For the rest of the evening, you chat about light subjects, avoiding everything that could make a sleepless night.

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