Walk out and check on your mom

From Create Your Own Story

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Despite all the arguably horrendous changes you've made to her in the last few hours, it feels wrong to disturb your sister further. She seems more content in her current state than you ever remember seeing her when she was just a normal big sister.

You walk out and close the door behind you. As you head in, it looks your mom's done with the pool boy, cum still dribbling down her face. Pool doesn't look like it got cleaned though, probably not in a very long time. Looking at the state of the lawn, you hate to see what the landscapers are doing.

"Hey sweetie" your mom says from behind the counter, wearing nothing but an apron straining against her huge boobs, and a pair of ridiculous heels "you're home, like, super early today. Did something, like, happen at school?"

"No, not really. Just...seeing how you guys were doing."

Your mom giggles "aww, that's like, totally sweet! Want me to top you off before you have to run back? Growing boys should get their balls drained regularly."

You never thought of your mom in a sexy way like you did with your sister, but with her all dolled up and practically naked, your new athletic body is starting to make decisions for you.

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