Montezuma's Revenge - Watching the Play

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Belly Aching Apparel and Items: Short Shorts, Panties, Bra, Shirt

Cassie returned to the school's theater. Entering in the back right door behind the audience seating, Mrs. Hare was there to give her a glare.

"That took quite a long time Cassie..." she said, implying that Cassie had been doing something other than actually going to the bathroom.

Her bias was somewhat justified though, Cassie usually would go to the bathroom to talk to friends, make out with her weekly-changing boyfriends, or to use her phone in comfort. This time was different though, she was very constipated and although she didn't believe in magic – it almost seemed like she really had been cursed.

"Sorry Mrs Hare, I am... not feeling very good." Cassie told her teacher.

"Very well, please take your seat and try and keep yourself under control for the play. The elementary students pour their little hearts into this every year. You should at respect their effort and be here for it." Mrs Hare told her, pointing her to her seat.

Unfortunately, since she had left, the big football player by the name of Josh had taken a seat right next to her. In order to get him out, she had to ask the rest of the eight people in the row to move to make room for her to get to her seat. A few of the people groaned from having to get up, but the boys were able to see Cassie's butt in some short shorts so most of them didn't complain. Taking her seat, the rest of the people took their seats, including Josh who was now right next to her. As the big guy sat down, two things happened. The lights dimmed to signal the beginning of the play and Cassie's colon started groaning with pressure again.

'Again!? Am I really cursed!?' Cassie thought to herself as her arm held her cramped abdomen.

Montezuma's Revenge - Cassie Has an Accident at Her Seat

Montezuma's Revenge - Josh Asks Cassie If He Can Grope Her

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